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Duffy’s Landing

From the desk of Bruce Duffy

     There are some things in life that will strike fear in the hearts of men and women.  Jumping out of a plane comes to mind.  Quitting a six-figure job with benefits and starting a new business venture may also fall into this category.  Let me tell you a story.

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The Greatest High School Coaching System Comes to an End!

Marc and Joan Hunter built a model for success!

From the desk of Dennis Siggins

Circa 1989, Virginia; Marc Hunter was coaching track and cross-country at South lakes High School and Joan Humphries was doing the same at James Madison High School. The friendly rival coaches often swapped training ideas and coaching philosophies. They soon became a couple and married in 1994, and the tandem was formed.

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Corporate to Self Employed – A Personal Decision

From the desk of Andy Brennan

     Upon returning from WWII, my dad worked for the next forty years as a machinist for a local manufacturing company.  We lived a modest lifestyle, but we wanted for nothing. I grew up the youngest of five kids at the tail end of the Baby Boom. 

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